


Jungle Gym Bucket Module 450320

Price on Application

Price on Application

Price on Application


The most popular accessory!!

A safe and fun way to hoist a bucket with sand or toys to the platform and down again.


Our website is full on information about this range, and examples of towers or combinations.

Also with a range of playhouses to grow with your child: you can start with the playhouse at ground level and add a raised platform at a later stage, when the children are over 3 years old. There is a classic playhouse version and a crazy, crooked one, that will look amazing in your garden.


Hyland Climbing frames:

FREE DELIVERY to England and Wales. Scotland: delivery cost on application. No delivery to Islands.
The  Hy Land range is delivered with a van service. You will be contacted in advance to arrange details;
If you have booked installation service with us, we will arrange delivery before the installation date.
We ask for someone to be present to sign for the delivery. You won’t need to help unloading.
This is  KERBSIDE delivery. The climbing frame will be placed where the van can park.
Please make sure you check the delivery with the delivery note that the driver gives you, to see if there is evidence of damaged or missing parcels. 
Please check the timber, kit and slide and let us know if there are any missing parts immediately. The slide can be checked upon delivery as it is easy to see while it is being delivered.
You won’t need to help unloading and the order can be placed in the play area if it is of easy access.
Any shortages, damages or non delivery must be reported in writing to Active Garden within 24hs of delivery. Any claims made after this date will only be considered at the discretion of the Hyland stockists.
STORAGE until installation:
  • DON’T STORE TIMBER IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT UNTIL INSTALLATION, it can be covered with a tarpaulin to avoid too much movement on the timber before installation.
 If there are any access restrictions please contact us to discuss this, or explain it to the delivery company when they ring you to book in a date. We will endeavour to meet your needs.

We offer professional installation service throughout England and Wales for the items we supply

Please note that we only offer installation for the items purchased from Active Garden Ltd.


Minimum installation for residential climbing frames/playhouses is £ 250.00-300.00 depending on the item and location. For example, big Jungle Gym or Blue Rabbit combos can cost around £ 900-1000.- to install or more, depending on the combination and location. The climbing frames we supply need to be concreted into the ground (either the leg of the climbing frame or a metal ground anchor, depending on the brand). Our installation service includes the concrete for the towers, swings and modules.

The installation service for climbing frames and playhouses doesn’t include groundworks. The playsets and towers need to be installed on flat and level ground with good drainage.  If you are unsure about if the surface in your garden is suitable or not, please contact us.

For safety reasons, the play towers and modules need to be installed on grass, soil or rubber/wood chipped area, they cannot be installed on hard surfaces such as tarmac, patio, concrete slabs, concrete, decking, etc.  We recommend moving the rubber chippings or wood chippings away from the area so the installers have a clear space to work on, the chippings can then be moved back around the climbing frame. WE CAN ADVICE on all types of safety surface, so please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss this.



We normally discuss with the customer the climbing frame that they would like to get and the space needed to safely install it. We also discuss access, ground conditions and any possible dates. The ground needs to be flat and level to install climbing frames. We ask customers to fill in a form with details and photos before providing a firm quote.

We have to coordinate with the climbing frame delivery date, to be able to install as soon as possible after the play set is delivered.

We will ask you to check the components delivered, to make sure that nothing has been lost or damaged In transit. We normally email you instructions on how to do this after the order has been placed, so please keep an eye on your inbox! This will help avoid issues as if the installer travels to your property and cannot proceed with the installation due to the materials being damaged or not present, there will be disappointed families, and this will also incur a cost to you, so we try to avoid any problems by planning this carefully.

Please make sure the items are moved after delivery, close to the area for installation.

We will recommend a professional and trusted installer, that will travel to your property, take all their tools, and carry out the job at very high standards. Normally, for a tower and one module, installations will be finished in a day, but bigger combinations might take 2 days, sometimes more, depending on the time of the year.

Installations are weather-dependent, however, our installers try to get on with the job and have a gazebo to work even if it is raining, but please bear in mind that installations can be postponed due to weather conditions.

The installers are self-employed and will take payment from you directly after the installation is complete. They will provide you with the receipt and guarantee their job.


We build many Jungle Gym Climbing Frames and have found the following tips and bits and bobs make the job much easier.




Before starting to build the climbing frame or module, please take out the instructions manual from the box and read the information on safety, and check that all the items are present. There is a cutting list included, you should have all the timber on the cutting list. When checking the boards, please choose the quantities on the far left hand column only as we supply the widest type of boards. For the tongue and groove, use the middle column, we supply the medium size boards.


1. We would recommend a couple of “Quick Grip clamps” to help you build your climbing frame as these can hold the boards/beams in place as you fit them and means you can do much of the build on your own. 2 x 12″ clamps, very useful!!

2. An electric drill as well as a battery powered drill. The electric drill will have more power than a battery powered drill to drive in the large construction bolts. Use the battery drill for driving the screws.

3. A saw, although we cut the timber to length according to the cutting list there will be one or two bits that need cutting during the build process.

4. When building, if on a slightly uneven site construct the tower first and then position and level by removing the soil from under the boards, until the frame is level. This saves in a lot of work trying to get the whole site completely level.

5. If you are putting down a play surface, place the membrane down first then the frame and finally the safer surface. If you drop things into the surface while building the frame they can be a nightmare to find.

6. If building the frame on grass, mow the grass short before you build on it as again it can be a nightmare to find things in long grass if you drop them.

7. Concreting the ground anchors into the ground: We recommend using Post Fix or Postcrete, found in any building yard or DIY store. Once you make the hole about 1 spade deep and wide, pour water in, and then add 1/4 of the Post Fix bag in each hole. It doesn’t require mixing, it is instant. That should be it!!

8. If you are building towers with modules, always read the module instructions before building the tower, to see how the module connect to that particular tower. This will save you time as you might not need to build the tower completely.

9. For the playhouse XL and L and Crazy playhouse XL, you will have instructions to build the playhouse first, and then put it onto he platform. The playhouse will be heavy so make sure you have someone else to help, or you can pre-built but not completely assemble the playhouse so you can take it up the platform in large pieces, and finally assemble it on the platform.

10. Do not over tighten the fixings.

These Tips are speaking from experience and we hope you enjoy building your Climbing Frame and your children get years of fun from them!

In the Jungle Gym website, you can see more information about assembly,

We can send you a sample of instructions manuals if that helps, please email us.

If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

11. How to concrete ground anchors into the ground?

We recommend to use a ready mix for this, there are several on the market: Postcrete, Postmix, Postfix and they can be purchased at a DIY store. See example below.


How long does it take to build a Jungle Gym Playset?

It does vary depending upon how many accessories are going with the system. Generally we say allow a weekend to build the frame. To read the instructions, lay out all of the tools and to make a good job out of the climbing frame rather than rushing to finish as fast as possible. Jungle Gym say that a Casa would take two people around 5-6 hours, but we think it always takes a little longer, especially if you have children around! We recommend a couple of days to build a simple system, a big combo can take 4 days.

Do you supply an installation service?

Yes, we can recommend a team of installers that travel to pretty much anywhere in the UK creating amazing climbing frames! we request a quote on your behalf and if accept it, you pay them on the installation day. We do ask to check the timber before the installers arrive, giving us enough time to replace any damaged or missing parts. Installations start at £ 250 depending on the equipment to be installed and postcode. The installers travel from Derbyshire. They can build a tower with one module in a day, bigger structures might take 2 days.

Where does the timber you supply for Jungle Gym play sets come from?

The timber comes from European sources where a responsible management programme is in place.They are FSC certified.

Do I need planning permission for a climbing frame?

In general, there is no need for planning permission for play equipment in a UK domestic garden. However you should check if one of the following applies to you

a. If your neighbour has cause for complaint
b. If you live in a conservation area, there may be specific planning regulations.
c. You are going to build the climbing frame in your front garden
d. The equipment is going to be within 5m of the main dwelling
e. The equipment will take up more than 50% of your garden area.
f. The equipment is going to be built in a field, as it may constitute a change of use.

These are only guidelines. If in doubt do check with your local planning office.

What timber do you use for the Jungle Gym climbing frames?

We use white pine, from forests running a sustainable management policy. It is pressure treated and comes with a 10 year anti-rot and anti infestation guarantee. It is also planed to reduce splinters and has chamfered edges.

Is the timber treated?

Yes. all of the timber that we sell is pressure treated with either Tanalith E or Osmose Naturewood. Both of these products are water based and comply with all regulations that apply to children's play equipment, see description below.

Do I need to treat the timber after installed?

No, the treatment will protect the timber for 10 years, however, if you choose to change the colour of the timber or the frame for aesthetic reasons, you can paint the timber with appropriate paint.

How much space do I need around the climbing frame?

Above is the recommended safe amount to space to plan around your climbing frame.
When building a play area you need to allow safety space around the towers and swings. We would advise 1.5-2.00m around the climbing frame (on each side) and 2m free of anything hard or edges in front of the slides.
For the swings, we recommend 7m back to front, no space needed next to the legs of the swing particularly. The space needed is around 3.5m from the top pole to the front and 3.5m to the back.

The timber has changed colour, why is that?

Tanalised timber will naturally weather over the months finally mellowing to a soft grey. This is caused by the effects of sun, moisture, wind and other exterior conditions, however the efficacy of the preservative continues.

The timber has green spots, is this mould?

No, this is due to the treatment, it is not harmful and won't affect the quality of the timber.

There are cracks in the timber, is that bad?

The timber will produce cracks that will open and close as an effect of atmospheric changes. They are not detrimental to the long term durability of the product. Tanalised timber is particularly recommended for all exterior timber applications including construction, fencing, playground equipment, climbing frames, furniture, etc. If you are worried about any particular crack in the timber you have received, please take a picture of it, including something to see the scale of the crack, and email it to We will be happy to assess the timber and replace it if necessary.

Does the climbing frame need concreting into the ground?

Jungle Gym recommend that you concrete the ground anchors into the ground. The climbing frame "sits" on the ground, then you have to attach the ground anchors to the main upright posts and either dig them or concrete the anchors into the ground. Full instructions are supplied.
Please view this video for guidence

If I move, can I get extra ground anchors?

Yes, please order them on our Accessories page, within Jungle Gym range.

My climbing frame has got green mould, how can I clean it?

If the product is located under trees you may get a build up of green mould. This can be removed effectively with a standard figicide or detergent applied with a stiff brush. When just delivered, the timber might have green spots that are NOT mould, but is due to the treatment, they are not harmful or will affect the quality of the timber.

Does the timber come pre-drilled.

No, however most of the fixings on the Jungle Gym playsets do not require drilling right through the system, they require a pilot hole and then drive into the timber using an electric drill. This makes the building of the playset much easier. All of the drill bits and drive bits you need to build the kit are included within the hardware set.

Does the vinyl roof only come in Blue?

Yes, the vinyl roof is blue on the outside and green on the inside (it is not reversible).

Do you sell Jungle Gym spare parts?

We sell accessories and modules, but we cannot sell spare parts as they are not stocked in the UK. For spare parts such as vinyl roof, roof rods, bumper pads, screws etc, you will need to contact Jungle Gym in Holland.

Can I choose the colour of the slide?

Yes, blue, green, yellow, pink or red are available, please choose when ordering.

What is the recommended age range for the Jungle Gym play equipment?

The recommended age is 3-10 years old.

Can you give us more information about the preservation method on the timber used in Jungle Gym equipment?


Garden/play equipment timber is exposed to damp, the sun and UV rays. When in contact with the ground or exposed to fungus and insect attack, the timber is also affected. Untreated softwood is very vulnerable. Preserving softwood protects it against rot and provides a longer life span resulting in less trees being cut down which reduces the pressure on the world's natural resources.

There are various ways in which to preserve timber, the most usual being painting or staining; however this method is not an effective treatment for timber used in many applications such as floor-joists and foundation posts. In addition, some paints and stains can be very damaging to the environment. Another method is to impregnate the timber with chemicals using an impregnation receptacle; which penetrates the timber more than surface treatments such as painting or staining, but the untreated timber can be exposed through relatively shallow shrinkage cracks. The most advanced method of preserving timber is the vacuum pressure impregnation process, whereby the preservation material impregnates the timber under pressure and steam is used to fix the product which prevents the preservative leaching into the ground. The timber used for Jungle Gym play equipment uses this method and wholeheartedly endorses the criteria government and interest groups impose on timber preservation companies in general and the environmentally responsible working practices in particular.

You can rest assured that our responsible selection of timber from forests in Europe running sustainable management policies is certified according to PEFC or FSC requirements.

There is 10 years guarantee on all pressure treated garden timber. This guarantee can be offered because of the quality of timber used, the unique preservation procedure and the quality of its manufacture.

Does the timber need treating after the climbing frame has been installed for a while?

Pressure treated timber does not require further treatment with paint or wood preservative. The Blue-Green timber colour fits perfectly in any garden concept, and is never an eye-sore. The timber can of course be painted if you wish.

Can you give more information about assembly?

Yes, please follow this link to Jungle Gym's page for more infor and FAQs, we can also supply a file with assembly instructions samples.

Please note that the TIMBER IS CUT TO LENGTH, so please ignore the part of the video when they choose the timber in 3m lengths and cut all the pieces, that is already done for you!


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Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.


The most popular accessory!!

A safe and fun way to hoist a bucket with sand or toys to the platform and down again.


Our website is full on information about this range, and examples of towers or combinations.

Also with a range of playhouses to grow with your child: you can start with the playhouse at ground level and add a raised platform at a later stage, when the children are over 3 years old. There is a classic playhouse version and a crazy, crooked one, that will look amazing in your garden.


Hyland Climbing frames:

FREE DELIVERY to England and Wales. Scotland: delivery cost on application. No delivery to Islands.
The  Hy Land range is delivered with a van service. You will be contacted in advance to arrange details;
If you have booked installation service with us, we will arrange delivery before the installation date.
We ask for someone to be present to sign for the delivery. You won’t need to help unloading.
This is  KERBSIDE delivery. The climbing frame will be placed where the van can park.
Please make sure you check the delivery with the delivery note that the driver gives you, to see if there is evidence of damaged or missing parcels. 
Please check the timber, kit and slide and let us know if there are any missing parts immediately. The slide can be checked upon delivery as it is easy to see while it is being delivered.
You won’t need to help unloading and the order can be placed in the play area if it is of easy access.
Any shortages, damages or non delivery must be reported in writing to Active Garden within 24hs of delivery. Any claims made after this date will only be considered at the discretion of the Hyland stockists.
STORAGE until installation:
  • DON’T STORE TIMBER IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT UNTIL INSTALLATION, it can be covered with a tarpaulin to avoid too much movement on the timber before installation.
 If there are any access restrictions please contact us to discuss this, or explain it to the delivery company when they ring you to book in a date. We will endeavour to meet your needs.

We offer professional installation service throughout England and Wales for the items we supply

Please note that we only offer installation for the items purchased from Active Garden Ltd.


Minimum installation for residential climbing frames/playhouses is £ 250.00-300.00 depending on the item and location. For example, big Jungle Gym or Blue Rabbit combos can cost around £ 900-1000.- to install or more, depending on the combination and location. The climbing frames we supply need to be concreted into the ground (either the leg of the climbing frame or a metal ground anchor, depending on the brand). Our installation service includes the concrete for the towers, swings and modules.

The installation service for climbing frames and playhouses doesn’t include groundworks. The playsets and towers need to be installed on flat and level ground with good drainage.  If you are unsure about if the surface in your garden is suitable or not, please contact us.

For safety reasons, the play towers and modules need to be installed on grass, soil or rubber/wood chipped area, they cannot be installed on hard surfaces such as tarmac, patio, concrete slabs, concrete, decking, etc.  We recommend moving the rubber chippings or wood chippings away from the area so the installers have a clear space to work on, the chippings can then be moved back around the climbing frame. WE CAN ADVICE on all types of safety surface, so please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss this.



We normally discuss with the customer the climbing frame that they would like to get and the space needed to safely install it. We also discuss access, ground conditions and any possible dates. The ground needs to be flat and level to install climbing frames. We ask customers to fill in a form with details and photos before providing a firm quote.

We have to coordinate with the climbing frame delivery date, to be able to install as soon as possible after the play set is delivered.

We will ask you to check the components delivered, to make sure that nothing has been lost or damaged In transit. We normally email you instructions on how to do this after the order has been placed, so please keep an eye on your inbox! This will help avoid issues as if the installer travels to your property and cannot proceed with the installation due to the materials being damaged or not present, there will be disappointed families, and this will also incur a cost to you, so we try to avoid any problems by planning this carefully.

Please make sure the items are moved after delivery, close to the area for installation.

We will recommend a professional and trusted installer, that will travel to your property, take all their tools, and carry out the job at very high standards. Normally, for a tower and one module, installations will be finished in a day, but bigger combinations might take 2 days, sometimes more, depending on the time of the year.

Installations are weather-dependent, however, our installers try to get on with the job and have a gazebo to work even if it is raining, but please bear in mind that installations can be postponed due to weather conditions.

The installers are self-employed and will take payment from you directly after the installation is complete. They will provide you with the receipt and guarantee their job.


We build many Jungle Gym Climbing Frames and have found the following tips and bits and bobs make the job much easier.




Before starting to build the climbing frame or module, please take out the instructions manual from the box and read the information on safety, and check that all the items are present. There is a cutting list included, you should have all the timber on the cutting list. When checking the boards, please choose the quantities on the far left hand column only as we supply the widest type of boards. For the tongue and groove, use the middle column, we supply the medium size boards.


1. We would recommend a couple of “Quick Grip clamps” to help you build your climbing frame as these can hold the boards/beams in place as you fit them and means you can do much of the build on your own. 2 x 12″ clamps, very useful!!

2. An electric drill as well as a battery powered drill. The electric drill will have more power than a battery powered drill to drive in the large construction bolts. Use the battery drill for driving the screws.

3. A saw, although we cut the timber to length according to the cutting list there will be one or two bits that need cutting during the build process.

4. When building, if on a slightly uneven site construct the tower first and then position and level by removing the soil from under the boards, until the frame is level. This saves in a lot of work trying to get the whole site completely level.

5. If you are putting down a play surface, place the membrane down first then the frame and finally the safer surface. If you drop things into the surface while building the frame they can be a nightmare to find.

6. If building the frame on grass, mow the grass short before you build on it as again it can be a nightmare to find things in long grass if you drop them.

7. Concreting the ground anchors into the ground: We recommend using Post Fix or Postcrete, found in any building yard or DIY store. Once you make the hole about 1 spade deep and wide, pour water in, and then add 1/4 of the Post Fix bag in each hole. It doesn’t require mixing, it is instant. That should be it!!

8. If you are building towers with modules, always read the module instructions before building the tower, to see how the module connect to that particular tower. This will save you time as you might not need to build the tower completely.

9. For the playhouse XL and L and Crazy playhouse XL, you will have instructions to build the playhouse first, and then put it onto he platform. The playhouse will be heavy so make sure you have someone else to help, or you can pre-built but not completely assemble the playhouse so you can take it up the platform in large pieces, and finally assemble it on the platform.

10. Do not over tighten the fixings.

These Tips are speaking from experience and we hope you enjoy building your Climbing Frame and your children get years of fun from them!

In the Jungle Gym website, you can see more information about assembly,

We can send you a sample of instructions manuals if that helps, please email us.

If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

11. How to concrete ground anchors into the ground?

We recommend to use a ready mix for this, there are several on the market: Postcrete, Postmix, Postfix and they can be purchased at a DIY store. See example below.


How long does it take to build a Jungle Gym Playset?

It does vary depending upon how many accessories are going with the system. Generally we say allow a weekend to build the frame. To read the instructions, lay out all of the tools and to make a good job out of the climbing frame rather than rushing to finish as fast as possible. Jungle Gym say that a Casa would take two people around 5-6 hours, but we think it always takes a little longer, especially if you have children around! We recommend a couple of days to build a simple system, a big combo can take 4 days.

Do you supply an installation service?

Yes, we can recommend a team of installers that travel to pretty much anywhere in the UK creating amazing climbing frames! we request a quote on your behalf and if accept it, you pay them on the installation day. We do ask to check the timber before the installers arrive, giving us enough time to replace any damaged or missing parts. Installations start at £ 250 depending on the equipment to be installed and postcode. The installers travel from Derbyshire. They can build a tower with one module in a day, bigger structures might take 2 days.

Where does the timber you supply for Jungle Gym play sets come from?

The timber comes from European sources where a responsible management programme is in place.They are FSC certified.

Do I need planning permission for a climbing frame?

In general, there is no need for planning permission for play equipment in a UK domestic garden. However you should check if one of the following applies to you

a. If your neighbour has cause for complaint
b. If you live in a conservation area, there may be specific planning regulations.
c. You are going to build the climbing frame in your front garden
d. The equipment is going to be within 5m of the main dwelling
e. The equipment will take up more than 50% of your garden area.
f. The equipment is going to be built in a field, as it may constitute a change of use.

These are only guidelines. If in doubt do check with your local planning office.

What timber do you use for the Jungle Gym climbing frames?

We use white pine, from forests running a sustainable management policy. It is pressure treated and comes with a 10 year anti-rot and anti infestation guarantee. It is also planed to reduce splinters and has chamfered edges.

Is the timber treated?

Yes. all of the timber that we sell is pressure treated with either Tanalith E or Osmose Naturewood. Both of these products are water based and comply with all regulations that apply to children's play equipment, see description below.

Do I need to treat the timber after installed?

No, the treatment will protect the timber for 10 years, however, if you choose to change the colour of the timber or the frame for aesthetic reasons, you can paint the timber with appropriate paint.

How much space do I need around the climbing frame?

Above is the recommended safe amount to space to plan around your climbing frame.
When building a play area you need to allow safety space around the towers and swings. We would advise 1.5-2.00m around the climbing frame (on each side) and 2m free of anything hard or edges in front of the slides.
For the swings, we recommend 7m back to front, no space needed next to the legs of the swing particularly. The space needed is around 3.5m from the top pole to the front and 3.5m to the back.

The timber has changed colour, why is that?

Tanalised timber will naturally weather over the months finally mellowing to a soft grey. This is caused by the effects of sun, moisture, wind and other exterior conditions, however the efficacy of the preservative continues.

The timber has green spots, is this mould?

No, this is due to the treatment, it is not harmful and won't affect the quality of the timber.

There are cracks in the timber, is that bad?

The timber will produce cracks that will open and close as an effect of atmospheric changes. They are not detrimental to the long term durability of the product. Tanalised timber is particularly recommended for all exterior timber applications including construction, fencing, playground equipment, climbing frames, furniture, etc. If you are worried about any particular crack in the timber you have received, please take a picture of it, including something to see the scale of the crack, and email it to We will be happy to assess the timber and replace it if necessary.

Does the climbing frame need concreting into the ground?

Jungle Gym recommend that you concrete the ground anchors into the ground. The climbing frame "sits" on the ground, then you have to attach the ground anchors to the main upright posts and either dig them or concrete the anchors into the ground. Full instructions are supplied.
Please view this video for guidence

If I move, can I get extra ground anchors?

Yes, please order them on our Accessories page, within Jungle Gym range.

My climbing frame has got green mould, how can I clean it?

If the product is located under trees you may get a build up of green mould. This can be removed effectively with a standard figicide or detergent applied with a stiff brush. When just delivered, the timber might have green spots that are NOT mould, but is due to the treatment, they are not harmful or will affect the quality of the timber.

Does the timber come pre-drilled.

No, however most of the fixings on the Jungle Gym playsets do not require drilling right through the system, they require a pilot hole and then drive into the timber using an electric drill. This makes the building of the playset much easier. All of the drill bits and drive bits you need to build the kit are included within the hardware set.

Does the vinyl roof only come in Blue?

Yes, the vinyl roof is blue on the outside and green on the inside (it is not reversible).

Do you sell Jungle Gym spare parts?

We sell accessories and modules, but we cannot sell spare parts as they are not stocked in the UK. For spare parts such as vinyl roof, roof rods, bumper pads, screws etc, you will need to contact Jungle Gym in Holland.

Can I choose the colour of the slide?

Yes, blue, green, yellow, pink or red are available, please choose when ordering.

What is the recommended age range for the Jungle Gym play equipment?

The recommended age is 3-10 years old.

Can you give us more information about the preservation method on the timber used in Jungle Gym equipment?


Garden/play equipment timber is exposed to damp, the sun and UV rays. When in contact with the ground or exposed to fungus and insect attack, the timber is also affected. Untreated softwood is very vulnerable. Preserving softwood protects it against rot and provides a longer life span resulting in less trees being cut down which reduces the pressure on the world's natural resources.

There are various ways in which to preserve timber, the most usual being painting or staining; however this method is not an effective treatment for timber used in many applications such as floor-joists and foundation posts. In addition, some paints and stains can be very damaging to the environment. Another method is to impregnate the timber with chemicals using an impregnation receptacle; which penetrates the timber more than surface treatments such as painting or staining, but the untreated timber can be exposed through relatively shallow shrinkage cracks. The most advanced method of preserving timber is the vacuum pressure impregnation process, whereby the preservation material impregnates the timber under pressure and steam is used to fix the product which prevents the preservative leaching into the ground. The timber used for Jungle Gym play equipment uses this method and wholeheartedly endorses the criteria government and interest groups impose on timber preservation companies in general and the environmentally responsible working practices in particular.

You can rest assured that our responsible selection of timber from forests in Europe running sustainable management policies is certified according to PEFC or FSC requirements.

There is 10 years guarantee on all pressure treated garden timber. This guarantee can be offered because of the quality of timber used, the unique preservation procedure and the quality of its manufacture.

Does the timber need treating after the climbing frame has been installed for a while?

Pressure treated timber does not require further treatment with paint or wood preservative. The Blue-Green timber colour fits perfectly in any garden concept, and is never an eye-sore. The timber can of course be painted if you wish.

Can you give more information about assembly?

Yes, please follow this link to Jungle Gym's page for more infor and FAQs, we can also supply a file with assembly instructions samples.

Please note that the TIMBER IS CUT TO LENGTH, so please ignore the part of the video when they choose the timber in 3m lengths and cut all the pieces, that is already done for you!


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